SEO? It’s an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. So that’s the S, E, and O of SEO. But what SEO really means is aking money on the Internet. I don’t mean the act of putting up ad’s and selling things online that you hope people will buy.

What I do mean is making whatever you have available regardless if it has a price tag on it or not easily and readily vailable to the search engines. As you know people mostly use the Internet to find information. When someone is trying to find information they tend to use a search engine.

When talking about SEO we need to look at the big picture or the whole pie. I am going to explain to you how verything comes together for you when you are using a search engine as either a surfer/searcher or a marketer/publisher.

There is a multi million dollar industry of SEO “professionals". Getting people into search engines or getting them higher up in the listings on a search engine is a business all in it’s own. If the main idea behind getting traffic wasn’t getting money, there would be no such industry.

SEO is nothing more than a set of tricks and tips and sometimes common sense that when used in the right combination or alone will help you out in the Search Engines. You may learn some new terms here or not know the terms I am using but I will explain and later on there is a whole section on it.

A quick way to explain how you see results on a search engine results page or SERP is as follows. Search engines are a lot like teenagers. Teenagers “rank" people based on how popular they are and how much people pay attention to them. Search engines do the same thing.

There are a million search engines but Google is king and that is what we are going to be working with today. Everything I am going to discuss here can be used for and with any search engine since each and every search engine is based on the same principles

In order to understand Indexing, Linkbuilding and everything else that is SEO you’ll first have to understand how a search engine works. It’s pretty simple but when you are working with billions, yes billions with a B. There are billions of websites and pages and it can get pretty complicated.

I’ll keep it simple. Let’s get started, shall we? When you search for something on Google (again, I am going to say Google but I really mean any search engine) you type it into “the box", by the way this “box" is known as the “Search Bar".

Different people call the Search Bar different things. Like I said I am going to keep it simple so to do so we’ll keep referring to this box/bar as the Search Bar. Back to what I was saying before.

When you or anyone types anything into the Search Bar and hits enter on the keyboard or clicks submit with the mouse there is a lot of stuff going on that you will never be able to see. Working quietly and quickly behind the scenes Google scours it’s database of sites and pages and brings you the most relevant results. Most of the time.

I am not going to delve to deeply into what exactly is going on because it’s not really important unless you’re writing a paper on the inner workings of Google. In that case you should go pick up a different product that is more geared to that.

Just because you have a website on “fishing" for example doesn’t mean that when someone searches for “fishing" they are going to get your page. Chances are if you don’t know what you’re doing no one actually wants to see your page is going to see it.

When Google finds a page for you it is only going to find the page/site if Google knows about it. So how do you get Google to know about you and your page and or site and everything else you have to offer the world?

You’re going to find out as you read this. I hope I didn’t drag on too much with all of my previous writings but you do need to know some general background information on SEO in order to learn about Indexing and Linkbuilding.

Those are the two most important factors in your search engine success. First I am going to go more into Indexing. Once you understand that a little more and actually know how to go out and get in Google asap you’ll be glad you know all about Linkbuilding. Without any further a due lets get going on Indexing.